Gratitude for a winter solstice

I wanted to be sure to write today and express my sincere thanks and gratitude for the winter solstice. Every year, on December 21st, we have the shortest day of the year. Thus, after this day – the oh-so shortest day, the days will begin to get longer.

And for that, I am truly grateful.

As the days get shorter, I notice and I begrudge, and I understand why all the celebrating is to take place in these dark and dreary days of the year: because people NEED to celebrate, because we all are miserable with the lack of daylight, the grey days, the chilly weather (and in some places, the downright bitter cold). So, we need to celebrate to find a way to find some semblance of happiness, some tiny slice of joy in this unbearable darkness.

Yes, folks, after today, the days will get longer.

We can all look forward to the slow but sure lengthening and strengthening until July 21st, my other favorite day – the longest day of the year, when sunlight and true joy will abound again !

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